Elisabeth Clarke M.I.C.H.P.

Phone: (083) 401 8552  eMail: clarkeelisabeth@gmail.com

About Me

I set up my Hypnotherapy Clinic in Mullingar six years ago, helping hundreds of Men and Women to become free of Anxiety and Depression.
Having very personal experience of Anxiety in the past led me to train as a Hypnotherapist and because of my own experience of Anxiety I have a natural empathy and energy for supporting clients with these issue.

The past few years have been testing and trying ones for all of us, but in particular for those of us who already have a tendency towards feeling anxious. I believe tranquilizers and anti depressants can be a reassuring stop gap whilst in the middle of an anxiety episode but should only be used as a temporary solution. A bit like a temporary tooth filling!. Hypnosis, on the other hand has proven to offer a permanent solution, when you want to be in and take control of how you feel without having to rely on drugs forever.

I have noticed that its very very common for some men and women to be a bit shy or nervous about asking for help and I can identity personally myself with this. I would tend to put on a big smile and hope that no one noticed how painted on it was. Its like a protective thing, to avoid being seen as injured or weak or damaged.

The best thing about what i do is seeing my clients coming back in the door for their second session with a bemused kind of smile in their eyes. Its as if they can’t quite believe its working for them so quickly.

I have never for one moment believed that a one size fits all, or that you can be labelled or put in a box along with others. This is especially true for smokers who come to me and want to stop. My success rate with stopping smoking is currently at 85%, and that’s with just one Hypnosis session being needed. Every smoker that comes in gets to tell me their story and why they smoke and what they believe it does for them. After I have heard their story and reasons for smoking I know what to do to get them free of smoking.