Our COMFORT zones can become purpose built playgrounds for our minds to become LAZY and STAGNANT in.
Isn’t it great when everything goes your way, when everything you touch seems to turn to gold?. it’s a bit like having the “Midas touch”, isn’t it?.
But it does not happen very often unless you’ve put in a bit of work to start with. Maybe it was after you had taught yourself a new skill like for instance learning to drive a car and then went for your driving test and you got a very reassuring driving tester and the traffic on the day was quietand seemed to just make sure that you passed that driving test. . Mybe it was going in to do a test in college or school and all the right questions were asked on the paper and the material you studied for came up on the test.
Ah yes, life is great when that happens but what about when other experiences are a bit mre uncomfortable, a bit more thinking has to be done and dare I say it, maybe a little revising of things you thought you once knew for certainty. I know myself that when it comes to me that I love to think that I am always right and once I know something then I tend to believe there is nothing else.
When I am confronted with evidence that my thinking is completely wrong my first instinct is to be outraged and deny that I have made an error. I start to defend my beliefs at first and it’s only when I have calmed down and went in with a completely open mind and examined the new facts put to me that I can be impartial. Being impartial is crucial to learning new things.
Stepping outside of our comfort zones is where real learning takes place. Comfort zones are comfortable and we don’t have to question anything. Comfort zones can become lazy purpose built playgrounds for our minds to become weak and lazy in. Make a decision today to step just once today outside of your comfort zone.