We always try to show the best and most attractive sides of ourselves, even when we are far from feeling the best in ourselves. We hate to be seen as weak or needy and we most certainly don’t want anyone to notice when we are feeling vulnerable.
I am a Cat and Dog owner and often times a cat or dog will take themselves off somewhere to be by themselves when they feel sick and vulnerable and I guess we also do this to some degree when we are feeling vulnerable.
I always have a lot of weight loss clients and I like to find out a bit about what’s driving the overeating. What is it that’s either missing in their lives or what is it that there is too much of in their lives?.
After they settle in a bit and get comfortable enough with me to talk about their feelings they usually mention one or two words.. STRESS or ANXIETY or both. Now these Men and Women probably have never told anyone about the extent of the anxiety or stress in their live. Why would that be?.
There’s a couple of reasons why the would keep it from loved ones, the main one being that they don’t want to be a burden. They also don’t want to cause anyone to worry about them. They want to also always show their best face to their loved ones.
Now when they get the chance to talk to me, the Hypnotherapist, is just like a breath of fresh air to them. Like a sigh of relief. Finally they can lay it all down. All that stuff they were keeping bottled up and out of sight can just have the cap taken off and let spill out until the bottle is empty.
They came in for weight loss and ended up feeling lighter just by chatting and telling their story of how anxiety or stress or both was driving the overeating.
It’s interesting isn’t it, that a,lot of times it’s far easier to talk to someone who doesn’t know you as family than it is to talk to a family member or loved one about stress and anxiety.
If you are dealing with any of the issues mentioned and would like to get in touch, you can call or email me.