We all know people who think they are the centre of the universe. People who always need to be right, or seem to carry a belief that they are more attractive, more intelligent and more entitled to be heard and respected than anyone else. In it’s extreme forms, narcissism can make people extremely difficult to relate to in the way you would to most people.
Narcissists believe they are special and deserve special treatment. They exaggerate their own achievements and and always want to talk about themselves in conversation. They are typically unable to say sorry or admit mistakes, and will try to justify anything they do. They may be very charming and even put on a show of being caring and modest in public, but in private they can be cold, manipulative and utterly lacking in empathy.
The trouble is, they can be seductive. The certainty they have about everything, their charisma and confidence can draw you in. Aa long as you agree with a narcissist and flatter them, everything will appear to be going well. But it’s when you want to disagree with them thats ehrn their true colours are shown. Then comes the bullying and intimidation. A narcissist is not an easy person to change, because they see nothing wrong with what they are doing.