To experience a panic attack is to feel a host of overwhelming feelings and thoughts. There is the tightness in the chest, heart racing, butterflies in the stomach. There are other symptoms and they can vary from one person to another and the first few times a person has a panic attack it can feel as if they are in the middle of a life-threatening medical emergency.
The one thing to remember though is that although they are intense, panic attacks cannot hurt you. The symptoms are actually caused by your body activating its emergency response system. The fight or flight system we all have is designed to help us to get out of true danger by either standing and fighting an enemy or getting the hell out of there in a hurry.
During a panic attack the emergency response system of the body gets triggered in even unnecessary and inappropriate situations. for some people that panic response can happen when they stand up to give presentations at work, for others it can happen in the supermarket or when they have to go into crowded spaces.
It can be as though the emergency response system has developed a hair trigger, like a car alarm that is too sensitive and goes off at inappropriate, unnecessary times.
What needs to happen to avoid that car alarm going off for no reason is for a person to reset the car alarm. To dial it right down. Regular deep relaxation is an excellent way of doing this and retraining your mind and body to recognise that there is no need to activate that car alarm system at all- because all is well and you are safe. With a bit of practice , you will find that the car alarm has reset itself and you are becoming free of that old inappropriate panic for good.
Many people come to me for help with resetting that car alarm and are amazed to find out that it really is not a difficult thing to achieve. Hypnosis is one of the easiest ways to reset that emergency response button and i used it myself when i experienced those same panic attacks. If you are plagued by panic attacks and would like to find out more about how Hypnosis works for panic attacks you can fill our the form below and we will get in touch with you.