Case Study of Anxiety client. Claire’s story.
🟥🟧🟨🟩🟥Claire sat back in the chair I offered her with a collapsed sigh. She looked defeated and tired. Claire had booked in for a couple of sessions to help with anxiety and the first one was about to begin. I listened without interrupting her for about 10 minutes, she had a lot to unpack and […]
How comfortable are you in your comfort zone and is it making you lazy?
Our COMFORT zones can become purpose built playgrounds for our minds to become LAZY and STAGNANT in. Isn’t it great when everything goes your way, when everything you touch seems to turn to gold?. it’s a bit like having the “Midas touch”, isn’t it?.But it does not happen very often unless you’ve put in a […]
Big boys don’t cry
Jonathan came in to me as a referral from a lady who had been to see me for Anxiety relief . He also told me as he took the chair i offered that I was a last resort.I told him that were quite a few like like himself that had already sat in that seat […]
Stopping Smoking, and Staying Stopped!

Everybody knows the dangers of smoking, it is common knowledge that smoking is the single worst thing you can do for your health. But somehow these scary facts just are just not enough motivation to stop. Research even suggests that smoking may produce anxiety symptoms in people making them more likely to develop disorders like […]
Stress relief

Whether it is due to a real or imagined threat, stress will make your body produce adrenaline. Adrenaline gears the body into action by increasing heartrate and the production of sweat. The stress response also swtches off any systems in your body which are not essential for short term, immediate survival. This means that digestion, […]
Are you in a relationship with a Narcissist?

We all know people who think they are the centre of the universe. People who always need to be right, or seem to carry a belief that they are more attractive, more intelligent and more entitled to be heard and respected than anyone else. In it’s extreme forms, narcissism can make people extremely difficult to […]
Jim, his Anxiety and the unpaid overdraft

Let me tell you a story about Jim, his anxiety and the unpaid overdraft.Jim is a successful businessman. He has his own small construction company and he almost lost it all in the last financial crash. Before the crash Jim was an extremely confident and motivated businessman. As a result of the crash Jim’s customers […]

First of all I want to tell you that I am not going to try to steal cigarettes away from you. Either you want to stop or you don’t want to stop. There is no point in doing for others either, say if your partner wants you to stop and you want to please him […]
I can tell when something is off with me

I can tell when something is off with me, I can tell when I am sliding down into the abyss of viewing everything around me in a negative way. I can tell because I start to see things differently I start to see problems and issues more than I see solutions. A funny thing happens […]
The Anxious three year old and insecure attachment to Mother

Imagine knowing all about anxiety at the tender age of three, of being triggered by certain things that other children would laugh off?. My sister and I used to walk home from school with two older girls because we were only four and five at the time, too young to walk by ourselves. The two […]